Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Come Before Winter

I thought I would give a little more information about my experience that first week in June, in Bosnia. I had the chance to participate for the second time in “Come Before Winter.”

Come Before Winter is an amazing program; it gave me the chance to spend a week focusing on one section of scripture in a variety of different ways. This time we looked at Psalm 103 from three different angles: structurally, theologically and prayerfully. I knew I wanted to meet with these ladies again, because I had learned so much from my first “Come Before Winter.” To be honest I was also very nervous because I knew that at the end of the week I was going to have to give a Bible lesson on what I had learned. I have given many lessons and I do not know why I was nervous, but I think it was because I respect the group of ladies so much. I did not want to make a mistake.

My first experience with this program was in 2002. I was a recent college graduate who had some short-term mission’s experience, but not a whole lot; I had been in Albania for only three months. I was as green as I could be and ended up being the second to youngest participant there in Florence. It was a challenging but good week. I have grown a lot since then. With three years of bible teaching under my belt and two more years of life experience, I did not feel as young as I did my first time although I was still the youngest participant in Bosnia. I really enjoyed myself and I learned so much. One of the words we focused on this last time was “hessed.” Hessed is a wonderful word. It can be translated as more than one word in English. One translation is steadfast. In Psalm 103 God’s love is steadfast. He is always with us and He is constant and consistent. He does not treat us as we deserve. I spent a lot of time dwelling on the character and “bigness” of God. A God than can is willing to separate our sins from us and not treat us as we deserve. This week was a great reminder to me that I am God’s child and that He is a great father and to trust Him. One of the nicest parts of the week was scheduled reflection time. Life in Albania is rarely quiet, so it was nice to have time to be quiet, pray, and think without any interruptions. Another encouraging part of the time was knowing so many of the ladies there. I had the chance to see many women who I never get to see including ones who work in Albania. Kevin and I live over three hours from any other American missionaries. I knew more that 10 of the 40 ladies. It was so fun to spend time with them worshipping studying, learning, and talking. When it came time to share my thoughts with the group I was still nervous. However, it went well and I had so much I wanted to say, because I had learned so much.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Today was a day that started out really hard. We had Albanian class, and I just was not getting it. Our teacher speaks in Albanian and does not know English. This can be good, but it really was hard today to form questions. If we don’t understand something it is hard to explain what we don’t understand in a language we are learning. The Albanian saying we have heard is to have a cucumber for a brain. I felt like this today.

The day did get better. Most of my classes went well, and I was so excited to have my class with Ida today. She does believe in God and is Orthodox. I was so excited that she not only believes, but could articulate somewhat what she believes. This is so encouraging. It was really like having a bible study in English rather than an English class than is bible based. With her English and my Albanian we really can communicate. God is good. I keep praying that we can plant the seeds that will grow into faith and belief in action in our students.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Today I have been thinking a lot about heaven. When we were planning to return to Albania, one of our plans was to work with a teacher who was our age, Mira. Mira was a strong Christian and a great blessing to the church in Korca. In May, Mira was electrocuted while cooking at her home and died. This left Mira’s mother Rosa alone in her home. Rosa is a widow. She has two other children but both are away. Her older daughter lives in Greece with her family and her son is in prison. We have been making many visits to Rosa’s home. I had the chance to get a cooking lesson from her and we have been there many times for coffee. Her emotions range greatly from day to day. Yesterday we went to deliver cookies for her son and she was very sad. I know it is hard to loose a loved one, but I know it must be harder to loose a child and to an accident. Today is a Muslim holiday and there are lots of parties which make Rosa feel all the more alone, not having her family near. Rosa has said that she does not want to live any more. She does not see the point. She does not want to eat when Mira cannot eat or to warm herself by the heater when Mira is cold. After she made these comments, we began to talk a little bit about heaven. I told her that I believe with all my heart Mira is not suffering at all. She was a baptized believer who walked with God and depended on God. God has promised us that we will be with him after we die. I did not go into the idea of being “asleep in the Lord” and the Judgment Day. I told her I was sure Mira was not suffering from cold or hunger. I told her that she always makes us very comfortable in her house and she is just a person, God will be much more hospitable. Mira had had a very sad life and I wanted Rosa to know that she would be happy in heaven. God will comfort her.

Rev 7:14-8:1

And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore,

"they are before the throne of God
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.
16 Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat upon them,
nor any scorching heat.
17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

We have such an amazing God who keeps his promises. It is amazing to think about heaven to think about a place with no suffering, no sadness and no sin. I hope that we will be able to help Rosa to understand the True and Living God. I have told her that we have prayed that she will become a Christian.